The concept of aid is regarded as a worthwhile thing, however, the issue about how, where and who the aid should be administered to is often open to public debate. Public funds should always be subject to scrutiny and therefore how Ausaid distributes their funds is of particular interest.
The Ausaid NGO Cooperation Program was established to ensure that funding for aid is given to accredited NGO's to ensure that the aid is delivered in accordance with the public scrutiny. To be eligble, NGO's must submit an Annual Development Plan that shows what they wish to achieve with the funds from Ausaid and other sources.
The system obviously does not guarantee that funds are not wasted, but it does put some focus on accountability of funds. The issue of adminstration costs could potentially undermine the efficiency of both Ausaid and NGO's, however, these organisations must employ many people and endure running costs for them to be able to do their work.
Click on this link to find out more about how Ausaid and NGO's work together.